CTHEA Board Meeting is Tuesday, January 28, 2025, at 6:00 p.m.

via zoom. Click HERE to join the meeting

About Us

The Carson-Tahoe Healthcare Employees Association (CTHEA) represents all regular, full- and part-time employees in the CTHEA Bargaining Unit, which include the vast majority of employees who are compensated on an hourly basis.  These employees are called the Bargaining Unit.  The Association is a UNION.  We bargain for your salaries, benefits and employee rights.  The Association was formed in the 1970's and today is stronger than ever.  The Officers and Board Members are strictly volunteers and are elected by the membership. The term of office is two years, with elections being held annually in August. 4 board members are elected in even years and 5 board members are elected in odd years.  This allows continuity in our Leadership Team.  CTHEA membership elects the Board members and the Board elects officers for one year terms.  We generally start looking for nominations in June.  The requirements are:

​     1.  You have been a member of the Association for at least one year; and,

     2.  You share the philosophy that all employees are equally important in making CTRH a Quality

          Healthcare Organization.

Carson-Tahoe Healthcare Employees Association


Protecting the rights of our employees

united we bargain      |       divided we beg